No Pain, No Gain!

Sorry for the late post *covers face* (I have this thing of drafting and not posting lol). After a few edits here we are folks. And I do hope I reach out to someone out there with this post :)

Dedicating this post to the Most High. Because I am glad that he has kept me up until this point of my life. He deserves all the glory and I'm beyond thankful. Even when I don't deserve his mercies he still looks out for me and favours me. Who am I that he is mindful of me. Nothing greater than my father's love.

Mid-May already..year going quick huh?...
Now tell me how have you spent your year so far..have you been productive or 'appearing to be productive'?
If there is one thing I've learnt it is that time is of the essence. We cannot afford to be wasting time because time waits for no one. Time is money but on the contrary there is nothing worse than time wasted because unlike money you can't get back lost time.

No matter how much you've heard this or how cliché it is, one thing I for one know in life is that pain is inevitable. Losing a loved one is painful, getting hurt is painful, getting rejected from a job is painful. We don't plan or wish for these events upon ourselves; they just happen. It's life but it does not necessarily define us and it shouldn't.
But the pain or sorrow you feel today may last for the night but joy truly comes in the morning -Psalm 30:5.
Draw strength from your pain and think of how to turn it around to arrive at a positive end result.

Have you noticed (or maybe it's just me) that a lot of music artists usually create their best pieces when heart broken or hurt. Lol I'm not saying you should go out there and get your heart broken. Let's be wise now!!. But my point is that they draw inspiration from their pain and try to create something out of it and for them they end up healing and creating something of a masterpiece at the same time. I can imagine the process of writing the songs being painful for them because they have to evoke the emotions they once felt in order to translate it into writing but in order for them to look past the pain they have to think of what lies on the other end which is relief and joy.
Sometimes to overcome pain, you have to overcome fear. The fear of things not being the same, fear of not being able to move on or fear of feeling stuck. You just have to tackle it head on.
Another example is a student writing a dissertation, even thinking of the whole process is painful enough. But you just have to close your eyes and think of that great grade you're trying to achieve and how you want to make yourself feel proud. If you're thinking about all those words you have to write and how to go about writing them, my dear you won't get a move on. As an ex-student trust me it's easier said than done but once done it feels much more satisfying.

Pain is gain. Initially it may not seem like it but it is. It is a process we all have to go through at some point or stage of our life.
For example if you're trying to lose weight you need to go gym; you have to feel the burn while you exercise in order to see results right?.. Or if you're chasing a dream, for sure you will have sleepless nights and nights with little or no sleep but the end result is what keeps you going isn't it?
Greatness stems from pain you see. Taking a step out of your comfort zone may be painful but you're definitely doing something right. You stepping out of your comfort zone means you are not in a place of ease, a place where you can get lazy. Your comfort zone is a place of comfort and convenience. You can't discover your potential in your comfort zone and the real YOU can't be birthed in a place of comfort and convenience.
Nothing comes easy outside of the comfort zone but also bear in mind nothing of great value exists within the comfort zone. So whenever you feel like giving up remember this: 'To whom much is given, much is expected' (Luke 12:48)

Mediocrity should not even exist within your vocabulary, you shouldn't have to settle because we are all destined for greatness. You just need to believe in the greatness that you carry within you and tap into it, no one else can do that for you. After all we appreciate better, things which we have worked for. The whole process seemingly may feel painful but the reward will make it all look like a walk in the park.

So it's time for you to wake up and smell the coffee. Fair enough we all go through different storms and hurdles but not withstanding it is not impossible to get over it. Pain shouldn't serve as a distraction from your purpose. Instead should be a catalyst that will catapult you into your greatness.

Tip: Remind yourself that you are not in a rush to heal, take your time to heal properly and proceed to move on. What is ahead of you is always greater than what was left behind remember this. You are not competing with anybody.
Find that balance within yourself and find your happiness. Stay happy regardless what life throws at you. Exude confidence wherever you go. It may take a few tries but you'll get there.
You are amazing and destined for great things. Now go birth the real you, you'll be shocked at what you're capable of.

Do not let your past and present pain define your future!

Hope you enjoyed the read. Inspire someone today :)

Love, B


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