Free Your Mind

Are you a prisoner of your own mind?

Let me tell you this, the only limitations that you have are the ones you place upon yourself. No one can limit you unless you let them.

Our mind controls a lot of things but it seems that we often doubt the power of this 'mind'. 
Whatever you think is what you'll find yourself doing.
Stuck in a loop of the same routine day in, day out? Well guess what, only you can change that.

You are sitting at home thinking about how things could be different, how you want that Range Rover, Beach House etc.
Looks good doesn't it?
Guess what it's not free. You don't just conjure it up with your mind and voilĂ  there it is.
Turning your dreams into reality is not something that happens overnight. It is a daily habit of persistence, hard-work, excellence and determination.
Only you hold the power to unlock your hidden talent.
We all have great potential within us but just like diamond or gold if you don't go mining i.e. dig for it and fine-tune it, it will lay there dormant.

One dangerous thing that we as humans tend to do is looking at the progress of others wishing we could be them.
Assessing the progress of others against yours could make you lose sight of your goals whilst they surpass you.
 How about you just do your own thing, set your own goals and targets and aim to follow it through without any distractions. 
Life is not a competition because we all have different destinations. Imagine boarding public transport every passenger gets on at different points with their destination in mind, some get off at an early point, some mid-way, some right at the end. Just because your friend is getting off does not mean you also have to follow suit. 
It might take some longer than usual to arrive at their destination but they still get there, granted they don't get distracted and lose focus along the way.

A friend recently shared these words of wisdom with me and I quote him "Your mindset creates your destination and when the mindset is fine-tuned with dedication, the skies will only serve as a starting point and not a limit"- Mr Sam.AK

Now some of us say that some people are lucky when they get what they get. Well I believe you can create your own luck
What do I mean by this?
You want to meet a CEO or Manager of a reputable company so you could pave your way into the company, well he's not exactly going to come knocking on your door and deliver a contract to you. You've got to get yourself out there. We are in a world of possibilities. Just got to have the right mindset and a can-do attitude in order to explore these possibilities and create opportunities. The more people you know in the working world the better your chances are.

How are you challenging your mind? What do you feed it with?
Are you pushing yourself to be the best you can be? 
Now is the time to stop dwelling on the past, work on the present and look forward to the future. It's brighter than you think :)
Awaken that hidden talent. Broaden your horizons

Lastly imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart and achieve with all your might. You can do it.


  1. Great article Bisi, that inspired me to keep pushing om towards my dreams, keep writing even if just for me!

    1. Aww thank you. I'm glad it inspired you. Shame I don't know who you are lol


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