Shaken 'n' Stirred

*Big sigh* I haven't actually blogged this year. *covers face*. Let's just say life hit me in every way possible but my faith grows stronger.

The past couple of months has been filled with nothing but challenges and trials in every angle. Life changing and life shaking challenges that will have you on your knees but I still stand with a smile on my face. I'm just glad I am a very resilient person.

I have been shaken AND stirred, some days I don't even know where to begin as I often feel like there's nothing left in me. But I'll tell you this there is purpose in every season, every pain, every thing you go through. God is currently teaching me to trust in him and empty myself completely to let the Holy Spirit in completely. 
I always pray for God to renew me but what I didn't realise was the process it involved ; Loooord have mercy. You cannot ask God to break you and mould you but yet you want to hold on to what you used to know. New clay = new fire. So be prepared to be broken, shaken and stirred for God to position you where he has intended for you to be. The support system and that comfortability you are reveling in and you thought you had arrived , lol yup that's got to go. 
Less of us and more of him is what we need and for that to be achieved your old crutch that you thought was sturdy will have to be removed from under your feet in order for you to learn to lean on God in the fullness of his glory so that you can be complete in him. We take for granted what we don't think we need and it is always a case of us appreciating God more when we are at our lowest just like we would never appreciate the role of a parent until they're no longer around. We should never treat God like a spare tyre. 
Don't be afraid of the shaking, yes it will hurt but the shaking brings renewalrevival and restoration. You get to know God on a deeper, more personal level and I personally can't think of anything greater than a closer connection to my Father, the King of Kings. The shaking is sort of like going through the refiner's Fire, it does not destroy you but rather it purifies your body, soul, spirit and mind making you a whole new being-  2 Corinthians 4:8-9
And after the shaking comes the stirring, the calm after the storm. God starts to stir you into position and places you exactly where you need to be and not a moment sooner. The enemy cannot disturb God's will for your life so it is important to always put God's will over yours as the enemy can easily disrupt your plans. Just be obedient and follow his commandment- Romans 8:28

I have had my "God where art thou moments" completely down and broken. Guys I know it may sound very cliché but the people you surround yourself with really matters (can't say this enough). People that will positively influence you and speak comforting and inspiring words at the right time and not a moment sooner and actually pray for you and stand with you are exactly the kind of people you need in your life. 
We will all go through different seasons in life and it is not everyone in your life that has been called to stand with you through every season and that is fine. So understand when your season is done in someone's life do not hesitate or linger because the grace will just be running on an empty tank.
Learn to recognise the people that God has placed in your life to help you and actually reach out to them instead of suffering in silence. I must confess I have a very stubborn personality which makes it difficult for me to reach out to my friends sometimes, I will be suffering and my loved ones won't even know. This is an element of pride and I'm glad that I am gradually being stripped of this.  
Anyone that will not add any value to your life, take you farther from God or cause you to water yourself down is someone you can do without. Discernment has a big play in this. In previous posts I talked about being able to discern and how you should guard who you let into your heart and your space- Proverbs 4:23.

The thing is we live in a world full of sin and temptation and as long as we are flesh embodied each day doesn't get any easier fighting our flesh. It is hard but when we have fought the fight and all is said and done all we want to hear God say is well done not "depart from me, I don't know you". 
Just like you wouldn't reward a child for bringing home bad grade, God does not reward iniquity. He knows we are human (made of flesh) and prone to mistakes and he sent his son for our sake. We have all the tools we need to fight the battle because our flesh is our biggest enemy whether we like it or not we just need to utilise the tools given to us. Stay worded and firmly rooted in the word so that you can withstand any storm that comes raging and you will not be shaken. 
God is merciful yes but we should not abuse the grace given unto us. Remember 2 Timothy 4: 7-8 and James 1:12- " Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial". 
God knew us even before we were born, he knew we would face trials and these trials are placed to test our faith, patience and endurance we just got to hold on. Some days are harder to get through than others I'm not going to deny that fact but that's alright. Which is why it's good to have people interceding for you and with you because there will be times that you can't even be bothered. This is real life!! 
And I am truly grateful for the amazing people that God has placed in my life and have been patient with me during my thick and trial; my mentor has been beyond a blessing to me.

I pray that whatever it is you're going through today the Sovereign God, Almighty Healer, Provider will come to your rescue. Just hold your peace and let him fight your battles. Hang in there and stay encouraged. Be patient something great is on the way. It is not over until God says so :)

B xx


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