Autumn Bloom

Happy New Month Folks,

Can you believe we are actually 7 days into the month and 10 months into the year. Life really does come at you fast doesn’t it.
I surely have a lot to be grateful for in life. What are you grateful for?

So in the month of September God decided to show up differently. I passed my driving test (this was a very big deal for me for those that know this journey and then it just happened effortlessly.. but God), my business exhibited at the UK’s biggest wedding show and I launched a brand off the back of my business. I know God is only just getting started with me and I am surely getting ready to see something I’ve never seen before. Mind you this season of my life hasn’t been all bed of roses.

Recently I’ve been talking a lot about seasons because it’s all relevant so stick with me on this.
There are different seasons in life and we as humans pass through them, in the physical and spiritual sense. Seasons come and go and they change with passing of time, but the seasons are there for a reason. We have spring, summer, autumn and winter which are the four cycles that occur.
Just as it says in the bible, there is a time to sow and a time to harvest- Ecclesiastes 3:2
During Spring/Summer we have flowers blooming, plants bearing fruit whilst Autumn/Winter is when seeds are planted waiting to be harvested. And the cycle repeats itself. Each season we go through isn’t just for the sake of going through it, it happens so we can learn lessons from it.
In Autumn we have dead leaves falling to the ground making way for new leaves to come in the new season. After a while the trees start to look very bare almost giving you the impression that no fruit could come out of it. And then voila Summer happens, the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming once again.
This can be said for our spiritual lives also; we go through seasons so we can grow. The experience isn’t pleasant I’ll tell you that for sure but it is rewarding. You will go through a pruning season and it will hurt till you feel like you can’t take it anymore. You will be backed up against the wall and feel like there’s no escape and no room to breathe but there is someone there with you through the pruning season, holding your hands and making sure that as you go through the fire you are not scorched. At the end of your pain there is a testimony waiting for you, one that will be a blessing to people. God will season you in each season for you to marinade and be well seasoned to handle whatever you are thrown into.

You see sometimes I wonder how I’m still standing having gone through major losses but I know there’s a greater being within me and that’s how I’m able to still stand. I have on and off moments occasionally and those very close to me will know it’s nothing personal I just live in my own head sometimes. Losing a sister and a mother on different occasions isn’t very pleasant. To some my experience may seem like a walk in the park, whilst to some it looks like Mount Everest it’s all relative. Regardless God is good.
This month is especially very close to my heart as it is the month I lost my mother and my best friend to cancer (never thought I’d be able to say that word). I won’t deceive you, my whole world shattered on that fateful day because it happened right in front of me. I mean, imagine watching your mother suffer everyday for months and you’re not able to help her and then she takes her last breath before your eyes. Man I tell you that day the world beneath me crumbled and I haven’t been the same ever since.
But you know what in all things I will always give thanks. The loss does not go away and it still hurts everyday for sure but I’ve learnt to pray through it and deal with it. I’ve had my falls, I’ve bruised and God still picks me up and shows me mercy and thankful for the helpers he put in my life.
Currently my season is teaching me to be stronger, wiser and better. It’s made me uneasy, uncomfortable and I have felt like giving up but I am not the same woman as I used to be and God isn’t even done with me yet so I’m all for the pruning.

Don’t rush what he is doing in your life, it’s not about when YOU want it but when God allows it. Trust his perfect will and his TIMING. He is never late- Ecclesiastes 3:11
Whilst others may be blooming in summer, Autumn may be your Bloom season. Don’t lose focus; plant your seeds in your sowing season so you can reap the harvest. Do not let it pass you by without it teaching you a lesson too. Make sure to also bloom where you are planted; check your soil and sometimes this could be the people you surround yourself with.
Remember it is not over until God says so. Do not fret- Isaiah 41:10

Be encouraged today, you can do it :)

B xoxo


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