Life Audit

Hello lovelies. It has surely been a while.
Well let's just say adulthood 1 Bisi 0..but it's time to kick some butt now.

To those that have been following my blog and to the new ones reading them I just want to say a big thank you because you guys rock, no matter how small. This truly warms my heart because I know at least one person is being reached out to.

Today's post will be talking about Life Audit.
First off what is an Audit? As described by Google "An audit is an official inspection of an organization's account" which pretty much sums it up.  This is the period where you reconcile discrepancies and check that any mistakes are identified and corrected whilst preparing for the next chapter.
We are now past the first quarter of the year and would you say you are giving this year the best you really got?
I challenge you to a Life Audit.
You are the director of your own life, a major stakeholder so why not make some key life investments that will produce tangible and maximum ROI [Return on Investment].
Take some time to reflect on your progress, your goals and assess if you are on course or if you need to change your line of attack.

Being successful requires making daily conscious effort and being committed, nothing ever happens overnight.
Here's one of my approaches; knowing your purpose, praying daily and enjoying the process.
Without purpose you're just wandering aimlessly with no end goal. Prayer is also key because there will be moments where your purpose will seem intangible and you feel defeated but spending some time with God (which I honestly don't do as often as I should) is the boost needed because the road is a very long and narrow one and sometimes often lonely just for a period of time.
Also you have to learn to enjoy the process, no matter how tough, no matter how trying just enjoy it because it will pass. Don't resist the process because there is never a rainbow without rain.
Discipline is essential: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. It is very key for a well-rounded life. And surround yourself with people that will progress you NOT people that will suppress and oppress you.

It's easier to try and solve other people's problem than our own sometimes because it often shifts our focus off it and serves as a nice distraction. But don't forget anything swept under the carpet will always remain there until attended to.
Make yourself a priority and stop putting yourself on the back-burner. Learn to prioritize your peace and your well-being and be intentional about this.
Filter out whatever is disturbing your peace and block out all the noise that is interrupting your focus.
No one holds the key to your own happiness but you so stop attaching your identity to being other people's savior.
As the saying goes "if you live by the compliment of people, you will die by their criticism". In layman's terms don't attach your worth to other people or seek validation from people because you will often find yourself disappointed.
Practice starving your fears and feed your faith by spending some quality time with God in prayer and with the Word- Matthew 6:33

In Conclusion.......
These days it is so easy to get caught up in the fancies and 'perfect' images we see being portrayed all over social media but be reminded that not all that glitters is gold. Live life in your own lane, at your own pace doing your own thing.
There is no competition or award for who has the best life or who is living the best life, because we all have different gifts and talents with different destinations.
The only common destination that we may all have in mind is making it to heaven and hearing God say well done. Besides that we have all been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God making everyone unique so why should you compare yourself to sister A or brother C when you have your own calling?

Also remember that you can't do this journey called life alone. The same way Adam needed Eve, God knew this and and placed her in his life at the appointed time.
You need to be able to discern who God has sent to help you so you don't push them away.
Also it's about positioning sometimes. Divine and strategic positioning helps to push you a step further to who you have been called to be and attracts the helper that has been assigned to you.
Pray for wisdom and strength to always walk in line with the will of God for your life and you will see great results.

I do hope you all had a good read...Same time next year?
Lol kidding. I'm just so happy I finally summed up the courage to finish writing this after weeks of being in draft mode.

Happy New Month and Happy Auditing :)

B xoxo


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