Finding Peace in the Storm

Greetings :)

To think this has been sitting in my draft for over a month now whewwww.

What is peace? Oxford Dictionary:- freedom from disturbance; tranquillity

There are many ways that our peace can be disrupted

  • Through challenging ordeals
  • Through unforgiveness
  • Through our own habits

And I really hope this post does encourage someone out there no matter the situation :)

Finding peace within yourself and being filled with the peace of God is far greater and more satisfying than getting closure from any situation. Sometimes we get so caught up in the semantics of needing to be validated by humans that we often forget that the only true validation that matters is the one that comes from God.
"To err is human, to forgive divine". In life no-one is susceptible to being offended but ultimately it's how you react to any offence that determines a lot of things. Ephesians 4:2-3 admonishes us to bear with one another in love, with patience, gentleness and humility.
Often times when we get offended our natural instinct is to speak to someone about it and vent. As humans, (unintentionally) we would want to vent to someone that will fan the flame because it makes us feel somewhat better and justified.
Let me ask you this, if you have a faulty/damaged iPhone what is your first point of call? Surely the first thing you will do is take it to the manufacturer (Apple) rather than going around announcing that your phone is broken. So when situations occur, why do we choose to run to our phone instead of running to the throne?
It is never easy I know, but the more we immerse ourselves in the reality of who Christ is and renew our minds daily, the more we become like him; Ephesians 4:22-24. The ability to not always react is very valuable and will save you a lot of heartache. Free yourself of any burden you are holding on to and find yourself in Christ. Word to one of my older sisters (#FreeYourself #FindYourself).
You will not believe the amount of people on this earth that wishes for 'karma' to hit but I can tell you that there is no such thing. The bible tells us that vengeance is the Lords'. The same mercy and grace that you are a recipient of is available to everyone and if someone has repented and God has forgiven them, who are we to also not forgive? 'Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us'.
Un-forgiveness is a silent and very deadly killer. It disintegrates you from the inside out and we often underestimate how it can affect our health sometimes.
So today I am urging you to let that hurt go. That 'hurt' that you have been holding on to for a number of years; it could be church hurt, relationship hurt, friendship hurt, family hurt please let it go today. Find true peace and joy in the Lord because he is the only source of true joy. Heal from whatever has hurt you. It does not matter how many times you remember it, forgive as many times (70 times 7). Healing takes time but don't deny yourself of letting it happen.
I often say apology is sometimes a form of self-gratification i.e. we place such importance on it sometimes that we become a prisoner of our own thoughts and get stuck in an unhealthy loop that does not allow us to move forward and step into what God has called us to.
Let me tell you a secret....a harsh reality that I have learnt in life is that you will not always get the apology you think you deserve and that's okay, you still need to find peace in the middle of the storm.
Yes it is nice to be acknowledged that you were wronged and people should be held accountable for their actions but all I'm saying is that we should not get hung up on just that and our ability to move forward should not be tied to that. The aim is to live like Christ and love like Christ.

Things might not also be going your way but trust God and keep believing that he will come through for you.
Don't let a situation hold you hostage because you refused to let it go. Haven't you heard the saying; let go and let God. No matter how painful it is, just be rest assured that God has got you in his safety net. His words will never return to him void.

Part of finding peace is also identifying the root cause of what you think is causing a disruption in your life and dealing with it.
You see it is not everyday 'generational curse' or 'the devil. Sometimes is is YOU. Your laziness, your lack of accountability, your complacency, lack of self-discipline, lack of knowledge, even lack of communication and bad attitude. You owe it to yourself to do a self-check, a soul-detox. Audit your life, find that balance and most importantly seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you.

I do hope you are blessed by this piece and I challenge you to run to the throne rather than running to your phone when your heart is troubled.

God bless.

Signed, B x

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