The Search for the Unknown

What do you do when you feel lost? You start to search for a way right?
Now what do you do when you have no idea what you are searching for.
Some of us spend our whole lives chasing a lie, some don't even bother chasing at all or end up chasing our own shadow (the mystery of life)
We are so busy trying to fill a 'void' (created by whatever means) that we end up losing ourselves in the process.
Sometimes so oblivious to the truth even though it's staring us right in the eye but as humans we can't help our fickle nature. 
We are so far in our comfort zone that we then start to lose our sense of direction. So blasé to the real life events happening all around us which sometimes are a call for concern. Wanting to please others while displeasing ourself.
Sometimes some things are hard to let go of but yet we carry this burden around while still searching.  
We start to recede from our former selves that we start to look in the mirror and see a vision of our former self. Remembering the good, the better and the best. 
How does one get back on track? How does one find an answer to the unknown?
Well you won't find it by sitting on your ass, wishing for better days to come while the days pass you by. 
Get yourself together, discover your hidden talents and potential. Take a risk !
Self-discovery is a journey. One that requires discipline, drive and willpower of steel to waiver any distractions. 
One golden rule which I adhere to (thanks to a good friend of mine) is that "With constant determination and dedication, I will surely reach my destination"
When does your journey start? Does it involve God?
Keep the focus, don't be discouraged. The search will soon be over.


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