
One of the many things I love about life is having the chance to get things right each day you wake up. You literally have no excuses. Chasing your dreams, goals, getting close to God or whatever it is you are doing. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Go hard or go home right?

Here's the thing I can be quite stubborn and difficult. Give me an easy and quick way out of something but trust me to always want the long way out. Can also be very quick-witted and feisty with words I utter sometimes. I'll spare you the other annoying details lol.
The thing with words is once you put it out there you can't get it back. Words are very powerful and you may not be able to see physical scars but it still hits hard. Which is why it is important to watch what we say even to our friends. Not saying to sugarcoat words but say it in a way that it will have the desired impact and they are still listening.

Recently I came across this lovely lady's blog (Be sure to check it out guys http://mscoveylaw.blogspot.co.uk/) and boy did it hit a nerve. Reading it over and over again was just the back-to-earth call I needed.The thing is friends are used to you so they somehow adapt to how you are and they may often feel the need to be sensitive to your feelings or not be too harsh so they tread lightly with you and just 'tolerate' especially when something significant happens. That's all well and good but sometimes you need a slap of life (not a REAL one though lol). Just figuratively speaking.
That being said I am very grateful for my friends because their support and encouragement was still there. But there was a point where I shut people out and it wasn't even on purpose. Some days I felt so alone and this has nothing to do with the fact that I relocated. You could be in a room full of people but still feel alone. Yeah that kind.
To be honest I love my own company too much sometimes.

There were days I'd wonder if God stopped listening to me but little did I know my own stubbornness fed into my relationship with God. I'd ignore what he was telling me and do as I wished or what I felt was right. Often we are our own enemy, guided blindly sometimes by emotion.
Not only until recently did I realize that God's commandments is not just there as a guide for life but to also protect you from hurt, pain and all kinds of negative human emotions. It's one thing reading the bible and it's another reading it to actually understand it and living it.
You see the thing about lessons is that you could either learn the easy way and avoid all the terrible consequences or learn the hard way. Of course this comes with the consequences in full motion. I have learnt things the hard way.

And seeing how my own attitude can sometimes be my own Achilles heel I decided it was time to purge. Purge requires getting rid of the toxic stuff on surface before eventually reaching the calm stage where you experience peace. Beware because purging is NOT pretty and it might hurt but you'll feel better after.
Late last month, actually to be precise this month I made some pretty difficult decisions. Trust me when I say I never thought I could because it meant letting some things and habits go. Personally, letting go isn't one of my strong points. I literally had an internal battle and it felt like a losing battle but eventually I realized it is the right thing to do in order to progress.
The way I see things, letting go does not necessarily mean giving up. It just means you have reached a stage in your life where you realize that some things are not worth the energy and time it requires and that if something is toxic and no longer serves its purpose it needs to be rid of because it is no longer of use to you.
It's just like having a constipation, if you don't relieve yourself that feeling of discomfort will remain until it has been relieved of.

You have two choices either you remain stagnant or you move forward. But that choice is entirely up to you.

I've made my choice. What's yours?

B xx


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