Take Flight

What are we so afraid of? 
Failure, loneliness, not being good enough, being weak, rejection, inadequacy, disappointment. The list goes on......
Fear is triggered by a part of our brain that has been pre-programmed to react in sight of any threat. It can be so crippling. 

 "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"- Neale Donald Walsch

Fear is the only one thing stopping us from getting out of our comfort zone. Encouraging and promoting what our mind considers to be 'safe' meaning you won't be able to step beyond these boundaries and tap into your full potential.
You will never know what you are capable of unless you try. 
If permitted fear can run your entire life, limiting your potential and controlling your life choices. With fear you are not able to express yourself to a maximum level. Sometimes we underestimate the power of fear and the hold it can have on us human beings.

Once you have identified your fears, you are one step closer to eliminating them completely from your life and occupying the driver seat of your life. 
You have to be able to identify it and confront it head-on. You can't defeat what you don't know. Knowing your fears can give you an advantage on how to control it and eradicate it. Just as they say "knowledge is power".
The beauty of the human mind is that we can condition it (easier said than done right?). It takes willpower and consistency but eventually it will happen. In order for this to happen and to overcome your fear you need to be willing otherwise it'll be like playing a game of minesweeper. And be warned it is NOT a day's job or two. 

Fear is sometimes triggered by false perceptions of what we consider as a threat or danger. For example: we hear something rustle up in the woods or drop, we automatically assume the worst without even assessing the situation and then make a run for it.

Fear can be self-destructive because it isolates you from a lot of things which could potentially be beneficial to you physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. 

I mean for how long do you want to remain in the "safe zone". Just like a butterfly breaks out of the cocoon, you need to spread your wings and fly. There's a lot in this world that needs to be explored so do not be scared to seize opportunities when presented with one and who says you can't make your own. 
There is no guarantee in life so why are you sitting around hoping and waiting for things to happen or that things will change. 
Grab life by its neck, shake it (not too hard though lol) and leave your stamp on it. Make a change and make it worthwhile.

Here are some behaviors which results from fear and what I see as a natural reaction which has been cultivated over time to compensate for it:
  • Insecurity
  • Procrastination
  • Workaholic
  • Making excuses
  • Putting yourself down
  • Being manipulative
These attributes come as a result of being afraid built upon 'what people will think', 'what others will say', 'if you are good enough', 'if your work will be up to a great standard', 'if your boss at work will be impressed', 'if people will like you', 'not wanting to let people down', 'if people will respect you'. So we tend to overcompensate by exhibiting any of the behaviors listed. It is quite an extensive list which has been shortened but you get my point.
A lot of negative feelings are associated with fear. For example:
  • Feeling that nobody understands you
  • Feeling inadequate in certain aspects
  • Feeling that people always want something from you
  • Feeling overwhelmed with either work or family issues
  • Feeling impatient i.e. wanting results instantly, getting irritated and on edge
Ultimately it all leads to exhaustion and a hint of paranoia(thinking someone has it in for you) because you have failed to tackle your fears and decided to mask it by doing what you assumed to be promoting your personal growth and development while inadvertently thwarting it.

First of all one of the most important barrier you need to get past is that of caring what others think and trying to impress them. This can have a massive impact on how you live your life. The moment you get past this barrier you will be a step closer to reaching your maximum potential.
Love yourself and value you, you'll thank yourself for it in the long run.
Now is the time to move past your fear. Overcome it and walk into your freedom by taking a bold step.
Let go of whatever is holding you back. Cut off anything that is not adding essential value to your life. You have to start from somewhere right?
Keep pushing and don't be discouraged. 


You are almost there :)


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