Word to the Wise!!!!!!

If you want something go after it and get it. In life things don't just get handed out you have to work for it. If you want to move forward you have to STEP forward.

I cannot emphasize enough how much hard work pays off. Having people around you who are hard working really motivates you and this is how it should be. 
They don't have to understand your dream as long as they understand your drive. Surround yourself with high achievers not people that aim low, always try to put you down or intimidate you thinking they are better than you. 
As you work hard don't forget this golden rule 'stay humble'. 
You don't need to blow your own trumpet or try to impress people because you could end up setting a standard for yourself which you might not be able to maintain long-term. “Coins always make sound but currency notes are always silent, so when ever your value increases keep yourself calm and silent.” - William Shakespeare
Word to the wise! 

In our current society I've noticed certain doctrines have been embedded into the mind of the younger generation through social media especially. Examples are:
  • Living beyond one's means
  • Putting up appearances for a so-called 'audience'
  • Living in the fast lane
And it's fair to say a moderate amount of young adults have been sucked into this facade. All these are just based on surface but no substance.

At the risk of sounding like a granny but as you get older certain things starts to make more sense to you and you realize that some things are just not worth it at all. 
Failing to manage your time properly equates you failing to manage your money. Time IS money. 
Make sure that your energy and time are focused on the important aspects and forget about the rest. Also look after yourself, take good care of your health. Unnecessary medical bills and clinic visits depletes your money. So why not avoid all of that in the first place. 

Do you have a savings or plan to have one? 
Don't get me wrong I'm all about living in the moment and NO this is not a Finance 101 class but a common trend which I've found based on findings suggest that majority of young adults have no savings or plans for one. Wanting to live in the moment and splurging without thinking of rainy days. I've been there and trust me I'm glad I wisened up before it was too late.
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you; it is quite easy to get sucked in all in the name of impressing and being seen as the one with all the latest and show that you are the 'in thing'.
No one knows what tomorrow holds because it is not guaranteed but that is no excuse for living a care-free life. You can still plan ahead to guarantee security, there's no harm in doing so. 
So when you make a decision; make a plan, stick with it and follow it through.
Anything that will be of benefit to your personal growth and development, NEVER compromise it.

On that note I leave you with this..

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”-  Peter F. Drucker

B x


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